Power Interview

Hyundai Corporation Holdings' endless path of change and innovation on the road to new opportunities into a wider world beyond countless boundaries

Business operation based on a broad perspective and understanding of the local environment

Bulla Mushrooms Corporation - Lee Jongbin


1. Introduction to Duties


I am the head of the Australian HBM Corporation (Bulla Mushrooms), and I am in charge of expanding the operation and business area of mushroom production/distribution business. Bulla Mushrooms is Australia’s largest producer of organic mushrooms with more than 30 years of history, selling organic mushrooms to large retail and wholesale channels in the country. Hyundai Corporation Group has secured the right to operate the corporation through new investments, added high-value “Oriental Mushrooms” such as shiitake/oyster Mushrooms to items, and expanded its value-chain and business areas by directly producing raw materials.


2. Conditions and competencies necessary for business performance


To run a business overseas, it is necessary not only to have foreign language skills but also to have a wide perspective and understanding of the local business environment. I think it is essential to understand their mindset and culture because we have to communicate with local employees and customers who interpret the same problem differentl. In addition, accounting knowledge is indispensable to understand the overall business processes for corporate operations and to understand the flow of production processes and corporate profit and losses.



3. Pride of Company


Our company values the capabilities and growth of our employees, so anyone with a passion for work and learning can get a lot of support. Through various education and mentoring of seniors, we can have core competencies and make up for our shortcomings to grow quickly, and we can get an opportunity to run our own business regardless of age and position. In fact, Hyundai Corporation Holdings has often recently appointed young employees in their 30s as corporate heads.


4. Advice to applicants to recruitment


I think the more specific I want to achieve in 5 or 10 years, the easier I can achieve my goal by clearly and effectively determining what I have to do today. If you prepare for the future by thinking about what you will learn for your long-term development and how you can develop it with your capabilities, I believe that no matter what task you are given, you will find meaning in it and get an opportunity for the company to grow together.